Viewing 17 - 32 out of 42 posts


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I don't want to file a claim!

I don't want to file a claim! I've been representing workers' compensation clients for close to 22 years and I've heard that many times.  It usually takes place in the following Read More

How long does a workers' compensation claim last?

How long does a workers' compensation claim last? The answer is that it never ends (unless you no longer work for the same employer and both sides choose to settle). At first, Read More

What happens if I have 2 jobs but I'm disabled from getting hurt at 1 of them?

What happens if I have 2 jobs but I'm disabled from getting hurt at 1 of them? In Connecticut, if you are hurt while working, then workers' compensation laws apply and Read More

Am I screwed if I worked a lot of overtime, but now I'm disabled due to getting hurt on the job?

Am I screwed if I worked a lot of overtime, but now I'm disabled due to getting hurt on the job? The short answer is no.  You just need to make Read More

How much are my body parts worth?

How much are my body parts worth? Under Connecticut's workers' compensation laws, all of your body parts have different values that have been established by the State Legislature.  This makes sense Read More

What if I fall in a parking lot?

What if I fall in a parking lot? If you fall and injure yourself in a parking lot, there are three things to be aware of. 1.  If you fall in the Read More

Why do I need a workers compensation attorney if I'm already receiving workers comp benefits?

Why do I need a workers compensation attorney if I'm already receiving workers comp benefits? The answer:  your goals and needs are in direct conflict with the insurance company's goals and Read More

I was injured at work. Can I sue my employer?

I was injured at work.  Can I sue my employer? The short answer is no.  You cannot.  Instead, when you are injured at work, you have the right to file a Read More

Invisible injuries, the injuries that cannot be seen.

Invisible injuries, the injuries that cannot be seen. For example, that would include injuries such as:  1) sprains and strains; 2) whiplash; 3) soft tissue; and 4) psychological, i.e., depression or Read More

When the insurance company's surveillance catches you

When the insurance company's surveillance catches you, it only shows part of the story. The scenario is that an injured person has a legal claim based on the injury, whether it's Read More

What in the world is pain management?

What in the world is pain management? It is often considered to be the diagnosis and management of chronic pain. So if you're thinking that seems fairly obvious, and you're wondering, what's Read More

How Much Do I Get When Out on Workers Comp?

How much do I get when out on workers comp?  I hear this question frequently asked.  The answer is:  enough to help and make a difference, but not enough to Read More

Can I Receive Workers' Compensation If My Injuries Are The Result Of My Own Negligence?

Many people ask, can I receive workers' compensation if my injuries are the result of my own negligence?  The answer is yes. Workers' Compensation Is NOT Based On Fault. In order to Read More

Whiplash Is Painful!

Whiplash Is Painful! Yes, when you have whiplash, it really hurts.  I bring this up because of the countless times I've been irritated listening to people belittle the pain and discomfort Read More

Did You Know That You Take Your Victim As You Find Him or Her?

Did You Know That You Take Your Victim As You Find Him or Her? What this means is that you are responsible for all of the harm that you cause someone, Read More

Let's Get Real About Personal Responsibility

Let's Get Real About Personal Responsibility! Twice in the past week, I overheard conversations where someone was injured, and someone else immediately concluded that it was the injured person, and only Read More

Viewing 17 - 32 out of 42 posts


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